I love movies a lot. Also love travelling. Photography, of course is my 1st love. Eating is also a favorite thing. Eventhough now, I watch more for what I eat and I am trying to eat healthier and exercise. What's coming up with my life? Other than doing photography, I also do alot of multimedia/visual effects for event launching or fashion shows, video company profile, Music Video and also wedding videos. I am planning to make a short movie which I am going to enter to another reality show "on the lot". bcos, I love watching movies, I am inspired to make movies. :-) As for my favorite food, its
1. In-n-Out burger for burger (in California)
2. Candy-M&M candies
3. Chocolates-Royce chocolates (Hokkaido finest)
4. Snack-Kit Kat
5. Thai Food
6. Malaysian food
7. Of Course-Indonesian food
Believe it or not, in my younger days, I love adventure and not afraid of bungee jumping. But now, quite scary.
I normally dress casual and an easygoing person. Eventhough sometimes, pressure does get to me. :-( But, after that I am ok. I learn, live and forget. Afterall life is short. Try to be strong.